As gifted and compassionate as any exceptional Clergy I’ve met.
God Bless her caring soul.
Ms Roberts was involved with the Theodore D. Young Community Center formerly the Fairview Greenburgh Community Center, since it's start back in in 1967.
In 1972, Ms.Roberts participated in efforts to establish the present building on Manhattan Ave. She attend many public meetings on the planning of the building. Marie has a mission which continues to this day which is '"making a difference for others". "My life has centered on service". Ms. Roberts has done so in many efforts to support the youth and senior citizens of the community including home visits, opening up her home for seniors who needed a place to live, organizing a wide variety of trips and activities, mentoring children, visiting the ill in hospitals and nursing homes, and most of all... being an example of unwavering kindness.
When senior citizens had no one to help, Ms. Roberts was there
for them. She has been family to countless people. Where there was no
one to take them to the Doctor, she always said yes. When someone
needed help to buy food, get medications, or a ride somewhere, Marie
gladly did it. Couldn't get to the voting booth? Call Marie.
While her title was officially "Outreach Worker" she has never restricted by a job title. When someone needed help, she did it. While most jobs require 9 to 5 hours, Ms. Roberts ignored the clock. Someone needed help, she did it. Much of her good works may not have been noticed by some of the people she worked with, but everything she did... had tremendous impact.
When asked about her favorite activity, she said the MLK Breakfast. "It was a pleasure to teach young people about the accomplishments of Dr. King. We can't forget our history and lessons which are still needed today. It was wonderful to see our seniors and youth together celebrating his exceptional life, and more importantly... hearing his message. God has blessed me many times over. I know he is watching.
Every time we do right... everything works out." Marie Robert's motto throughout these decades has been, "I enjoy making people happy."
While she has transitioned from this Earthly plane, I carry her with me
with every pastoral visit and all works to help others. Marie, I know you are watching.

20 years ago I wrote about a Chaplain visiting a nursing home... Today, I'm that Chaplain.
Seeing Beyond The Wrinkles:
Stories Of Ageless Courage, Humor And Faith
By George Coniglio
(August 1, 1999)
Since becoming a member of the Internet community, I have met many wonderful people through my webpage and my association with Net4TV Voice. The Web has proven to be a means of connecting people throughout the world. At the current time, nearly a third of the links on my webpage have been at the request of people who have just happened to come across it while casually surfing the net.
Last month I received an e-mail from Mr. Charles Tindell who is a Chaplain at the Bloomington, Minnesota nursing home. He has written a book entitled "Seeing Beyond the Wrinkles: Stories of Ageless Courage, Humor and Faith." The book is a collection of stories focusing on specific nursing home residents and the lessons we can learn from their experiences.
Most impressive about Mr. Tindell's work is how many preconceived stereotypes regarding aging and nursing homes are dispelled. Even in today's society, nursing homes are viewed as depressing places. No doubt that when reading this book, anyone who has these views will see things differently. The residents Mr. Tindell writes about are in actuality an untapped resource who can provide insight, hope, and joyfulness for people of all ages.
In just walking across a hallway in a nursing home residence, the first impression may be misleading. Perhaps in doing so, we connect to a part of life that is frightening, a common reaction by new staff, volunteers or student interns. "I won't know what to say!" I agree with Tindell in that many times just being there to listen is enough. What is not readily apparent is the support, camaraderie and compassion on the part of the residents and staff. In many ways, a Senior Center or nursing home is very much like a family.
There is a philosophy of life, which is shared by Tindell, "Live well, laugh often, love much." He discusses what a positive difference each of us can make if we reflect on this statement each day. Indeed, many people value this philosophy enough to want to continue despite illness, new-found limitations, and the loss of family and friends. What is inspirational is the amount of courage that is required to face these changes with dignity.
It has been my experience that many administrators of Senior facilities have a more intensive urgency in getting things done. Think about the value the average person puts in a month's time compared to someone who is in their nineties. A month becomes a most precious gift. It is for this reason that when the administration of a program or facility gets bogged-down in such mundane tasks such as supply ordering, budget planning and approvals, or personnel staff hiring, the staff of senior programs intensify their efforts to make the process move more quickly.
We understand all too well Mr. Tindell's philoshophy and are moved to respond to the needs of our Seniors with swift and sure action---always inspired by those we serve.
Charles Tindell is interested in hearing your stories about a grandparent, parent, spouse, relative, partner, friend or even yourself. He can be contacted by mail at:
Chaplain Chuck Tindell, PO Box 240561, Apple Valley, MN 55124

Father Mulcahy (MASH), The late Actor William Christopher
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Every Man a Minister, by James Dillet Freeman.
What does it mean to be a Minister? It means to make yourself small so that others may feel large. It means to make yourself a servant so that others may feel their mastery. It means to give so that those who lack may receive. It means to love so that those who feel unloved may have someone who never rejects them, someone with whom they can always identify themselves. It means to hold out your help to those who ask and deserve help, and also to those who do not ask or deserve it. It means always to be there when you are needed, yet never to press yourself on another when you are not wanted. It means to stay at peace so that those who are contentious will have someone to whom they can turn to stabilize themselves. It means to keep a cheerful outlook so that those who are easily cast down may have someone to lift them up. It means to keep faith, and to keep on keeping faith even when you yourself find little reason for believing, so that those who have no faith can find the courage to live. It means not merely to live a life of prayer, but to turn your prayers into life—more life for you, more life for those to whom you minister. It means to be God-centered and human-hearted, to involve yourself in man's humanity and to keep your vision on man's divinity—and so draw forth in all around you the human form divine. It means to share in the great moments of men's lives—in birth and sickness and marriage and death—and at all these times, whether of crisis or of celebration, to bring comfort and a blessing, and above all a sense of a Presence that sometimes we cannot see and of a Meaning that often we overlook. This is what it means to be a minister of God and a Minister to man